
Terms & Policies

Acceptable Use Policy

Last Updated: June 10, 2024

This Acceptable Use Policy (this “Policy” or “AUP”) describes acceptable and prohibited uses of the Starling Minds’ online product, application or service (including any online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) module training programs) (together, the “Programs”)  offered to you as the employee, contractor or associate of Starling Mind’s partner or customer (“Member”). Starling Minds Inc. is a company which has an address at 300 – 1001 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6H 4E4 (“Starling Minds”, “we” or “us”).   

The examples described in this Policy are not exhaustive. We may modify this Policy at any time by notifying you. By using the Programs, you agree to the latest version of this Policy. If you violate the Policy or authorize or help others to do so, we may suspend or terminate your use of the Programs.

You must use the Programs in a manner that does not violate applicable law, regulation or social norms. Explicitly do not:

  • Use, reuse, repost, distribute, provide access to others to, copy, modify, or transmit the Programs and related information for any commercial purpose or for public use;
  • Create a Starling Minds account (“Account”) using a false identity or information, or on behalf of someone other than yourself;
  • Sublicense, rent, lease, sell, trade, gift, bequeath or otherwise grant access to or transfer your Account to anyone else;
  • Use the Programs, intentionally or unintentionally, in violation of any applicable law or regulation;
  • Attempt to gain access to the Programs, Accounts registered to others or to the computers, servers, or networks connected to the Programs by any means other than the user interface provided by us and through your Account, including but not limited to, by circumventing or modifying, attempting to circumvent or modify, or encouraging or assisting any other person to circumvent or modify, any security, technology, device, server or software that is part of the Programs;
  • Interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper functioning of the Programs or connect to or use the Programs in any way not expressly permitted by this Policy;
  • Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for any underlying software, content or other intellectual property (together the “IP”) used to provide the Programs, or to obtain any information from the Programs using any method not expressly permitted by us; or
  • Modify or alter the Programs in any respect, merge the Programs with other data or publish the Programs’ content in any form.  You must not “screen scrape”, “database scrape” or participate in any other activity to collect, store, re-organize, or manipulate data on the pages displayed or produced by the Programs.

No Illegal, Harmful, or Offensive Use or Content

You may not use, or encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to use the Programs for any illegal, harmful or offensive use, or to transmit, store, display, distribute or otherwise make available content that is illegal, harmful, or offensive or violates community norms. Prohibited activities or content include:

  • Illegal Activities. Any illegal activities.
  • Harmful or Fraudulent Activities. Activities that may be harmful to others, our operations or reputation, or engaging in other deceptive practices.
  • Infringing Content. Content that infringes or misappropriates the intellectual property or proprietary rights of others.
  • Offensive Content. Content that is defamatory, obscene, abusive, invasive of privacy, or otherwise objectionable, including content that constitutes child pornography, relates to bestiality, or depicts non-consensual sex acts.
  • Harmful Content. Content or other computer technology that may damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system, program, or data, including viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, or cancelbots.
  • Harassment or abuse. Using the Programs to harass, abuse, troll or otherwise engage in socially negative conduct to other members or to third parties

No Security Violations

You may not use the Programs to violate the security or integrity of any network, computer or communications system, software application, or network or computing device (each, a “System”).  Prohibited activities include:

  • Unauthorized Access.  Accessing or using any System without permission, including attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of a System or to breach any security or authentication measures used by a System.
  • Interception.  Monitoring of data or traffic on a System without permission.
  • Falsification of Origin.  Forging TCP-IP packet headers, e-mail headers, or any part of a message describing its origin or route.  This prohibition does not include the use of aliases or anonymous remailers.

No Network Abuse

You may not make network connections to any users, hosts, or networks unless you have permission to communicate with them.  Prohibited activities include:

  • Monitoring or Crawling.  Monitoring or crawling of a System that impairs or disrupts the System being monitored or crawled.

Community Guidelines

Respect other members in the Starling community

The Starling Minds community is a supportive and empathetic space for our Members to share and validate one another’s experiences. We want to discourage unsolicited advice-giving and problem-solving. There will be ZERO tolerance for hateful, violent or discriminatory comments, threats, harassment or cyberbullying or any behaviour that violates norms of a civilized society. Any comment that falls into these categories will be removed by the Community Team and the account may be subject to suspension. Any posts containing profanity are subject to removal at the discretion of the Starling Minds moderators. 

Security and Safety

While other Starling Minds Members cannot see your progress and work within the program, note that your comments in the discussion section are visible to all.  Please be mindful of what you are posting.  We respect your privacy and the privacy of the people in your lives; therefore, any comments that reveal sensitive personal information (eg. email addresses or names) will be removed at the discretion of the Community Team.

Our moderators are extremely concerned with the safety of all our Members and will reach out to Members who make comments that indicate or imply that they may be in danger of self-harm or harming others, and direct them to the appropriate resources. Our moderators will identify themselves in their responses. We are here to make sure that every inquiry is responded to and that the community remains a safe space.


This community is a place that is meant for the learning and sharing of your mental health journey.  This is not the place to advertise a service or business for personal gain.  Posts that are made for commercial purposes, (e.g., links to irrelevant campaigns) will be removed at the discretion of the Community Team.