Case studies

Hero Story: Getting His Life Back on Track

By: Starling Minds

Last updated: July 5, 2021

In the fall of 2020, a worker was struggling both at work and at home. As a worker and family man, he has always been dependable and self-disciplined, and willing to go the extra mile for his team and family. But after years of high-stress and putting himself last, he was emotionally, physically, and mentally drained. He was feeling out-of-control and wanted help. As he was still working, his case manager wanted to provide mental health support proven to work without triggering a claim, so referred him to Starling Minds, a digital mental health platform for stress, anxiety, and depression.

The BackgroundSymptomsWhy Starling
50 year old maleClinically depressed and anxiousZero wait times or out-of-pocket costs
Mental health-related absenceDeclining work functioningAccessible immediately
Financial and family problemsLow in energyPsycho-education and skills-building approach
Lacks self-awareness around triggersEmotional outbursts and feeling out of controlOnline community for social support
Lacks skills to better manage mental healthPhysical pain due to injuries
Goal: Get his life back on trackOverwhelmed at work

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Starling Minds

Starling Minds™ is a digital mental health platform that reduces absence and disability costs by delivering immediate, unlimited, and personalized online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Developed by leading psychologists, Starling’s digital therapy is powered by an expert system that emulates the processes and practices of human-guided therapy to remove the greatest barriers preventing employees from accessing affordable and effective mental health care—cost, access, and stigma.

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